Thank you.
The election result was not what we hoped for.
I want to thank my campaign team. I want to thank all our volunteers.
And I especially want to thank all the residents of Mississauga.
It has been an honour to go to every corner of our city and speak to people about their concerns and their hopes for Mississauga.
I have immense optimism for the future of our city.
I look forward to working with Mayor-elect Carolyn Parrish and I wish her success for our city.
At the end of the day, we all want the same thing for Mississauga – we want to build a Mississauga where everyone feels like they belong and a city where everyone gets the opportunity to build a better life for themselves and their families.
You can count on me to continue working for a more affordable and liveable Mississauga.
I will always fight for our city and for what’s right.
Thank you!